
Capstone Proposal: Green Box


  • Week 7: Research into products and equipment that are being used today in homes or spaces to be efficient in energy and eco-friendly to the environment.
  • Week 8: Understanding the cost of all these products and the benefits they bring to the environment and users.
  • Week 9:  Spend time on the user end trying to understand how sustainability and eco-friendly practices can become more easy to comprehend and do-able in any space. 
  • Week 10: Spend time looking into areas around chicagoland that use eco-friendly and sustainable methods in community environments.
  • Week 11: Call/Visit in order to gather more information on practices they use and possibly talk to people who work to keep these practices of sustainability and community alive. 
  • Week 12: If an interview was possible, use that to see insights that could lead me to understanding and implementing it into my concept of sustainability; green box.
  • Week 13: Craft and refine the methods, practices, and products I want to use and implement into the green box for users and the environment. 
  • Week 14: Draft a user-friendly guide that coincides with the green box subscription that talks about and explains each item and method that is contained inside the box. 
  • Week 15: Finalize user-friendly draft for green box concept. 


  • Week 2: Rough sketches of green box design and concept
  • Week 3: Finalize look and design of green box.
  • Week 4: Draft a powerpoint presentation that includes research, ideas, concepts, sketches, and finalizations of the project.
  • Week 5: Working on powerpoint
  • Week 6: Use software to make renderings of the green box and how it would look in concept and use.
  • Week 7: Renderings
  • Week 8: Spend time looking back at initial research about how practices of sustainability and equipment in homes and spaces are being used to be eco-friendly to the environment.
  • Week 9: Implement ideas and concepts from different areas such as, tiny homes 
  • Week 10: Propose a rough sketch of homes and spaces that implement eco-friendly design and sustainability practices. 
  • Week 11: Finalize sketches 
  • Week 12: Use software to render what these spaces would possibly look like in use.
  • Week 13: Finalize renderings 
  • Week 14: Finalize Presentation
  • Week 15: Presentation