Green Box


“Humanity is now standing at a crossroads. We must now decide which path we want to take. How do we want the future living conditions for all living species to be like?”

-Greta Thunberg, Climate Change Activist

Now, imagine a world where there’s no nature or greenery, bleak signs of life all around, there’s a scarcity of resources happening around the world, and the atmosphere is no longer clear or safe to live and grow in. All these effects in tandem would produce a sort of unprecedented apocalyptic event never before seen.


I want to make a difference that emphasizes the need of a balanced home for all living life; a healthy one in which the state of the environment is at the forefront of any new social challenge. Even if the difference I end up making is minimal compared to the larger problem, I believe this concept of living green is a push in the right direction towards where we, as a collective, should be heading. With Green Box, I hope to inspire and encourage a difference to be made, one that can begin easily at home. The Green Box is a product that aims to protect and exist harmoniously with the environment, while teaching the people who use it practical, easy ways to achieve a more green and sustainable life; one that doesn’t harm the planet in the process.

What is it?

A biodegradable box with a coinciding virtual user-guide, teaching different methods, practices, tools, and resources of sustainability and eco-friendliness.


> Increase awareness of occurring environmental issues impacting ecologies

> Decrease the carbon footprint

> Adaptable and affordable

> Easy to use


Urban areas like Chicago, where several pollutants from the congested city take control over the environment. Focus particularly on scaling to emphasize how adaptive these practices and methods of sustainability and eco-friendliness can be in any living space.

Ideas for Improvement:

  1. Reduce the complexity in stages, with each level progressing in involvement and knowledge of sustainable, eco-conscious ideas and practices. 
  2. Adaptable to various locations throughout the home to teach about the versatility and impact these changes can have on the environment.
  3. Relativeness to users.
  4. Continuity between practices and actions of sustainability and eco-friendliness within the Green Box. 
  5. Highlighting the differences between consumption and necessity.
  6. Compact-ability.


User Guide

Scannable QR Code


The user guide, accessible through a QR code, goes over a variety of important topics, starting firstly with the goals and intentions that the Green Box product has for improving the environment. It also includes how these ideas of sustainability and being green can start to become easily incorporated into already existing spaces.

Through inclusion of this guide with the product, I want to present these already existing ideas and items about sustainability and eco-consciousness, in a digestible, easy to understand way, in order to encourage more first time users to switch over to this lifestyle. 

Three Tiers:

1. Essential
2. Conscious
3. Innovative
The Green Box company provides a selection of boxes to choose from, depending on the skill level and comfort of the user at incorporating sustainable, eco-friendly principles and tools within the space.

For the tier Essentials, there’s an option to have it as a monthly subscription, having more day to day living items that one buys on a grocery trip.

The other two are one-time purchases, emphasizing the durability and long-lasting benefits that you get from each product.


The Green Box utilizes recycled paper in it’s design to have less impact on the environment. The packaging also has the ability of being composted, safe for the growing and living ecosystems. No matter what one decides to do with the packaging afterwards, the Green Box is made to break-down through exposure of the natural elements, as a result, having a carbon low footprint on the planet. 

Final Statements

The goal with this project is to be conscious of our carbon footprint and the impact we have on the environment. 

By having everything down to the packaging being eco-friendly and reusable, to the products and practices also committing to that same ideal, Green Box aims to limit waste and encourage those who use it to do so as well.  

This effort is done in hopes of promoting a more greener planet to live on, one where the inhabitants coexist harmoniously with their surroundings and benefit health wise due to the change in lifestyle.

In the end, the Green Box includes easy, simple to use and install tools that fit in any space around the home; aimed at keeping the environment and its resources safe, whilst being effortlessly a part of the user’s everyday routine.  

