
Capstone Project-Methodology

  • Research into products of today that are used and built for energy efficiency and sustainability.
  • Gather specifics on cost, user experiences, and installation (how to put it into practice and use) by going through sources I have gathered on the topic over the course of the project. 
  • Repeat process for research into methods and strategies to combat issues expressed by climate change to coside with the green box.
  • Construct a medium length interview with approximately 12 questions or so around the topics of sustainability and eco-friendliness methods and techniques towards the environment. 
  • Review interview questions before use in real interview applications.
  • Use interview questionnaires to gain insights and perspectives from those who work in the area of sustainability and eco-awareness or members that participate in it. 
  • Consolidate information gathered from each section and file it down to pertinent information about how to combat the issues within the capabilities of the green box. 
  • Start to narrow down and finalize on items and equipment to include in the green box, at least in the primarily stages of this project. 
  • Place and price total cost of the production of green boxes.
  • Develop a guide for clients that breaks down the tools/equipment included, methodologies and practices utilize, and benefits it brings to the environment. 
  • Compile all the aforementioned elements into a concise product that allows users of the product to be more environmentally conscious and healthier. 
  • Make a physical and digital conceptualization of the green box and its included materials through application software and actual building materials. 
  • Construct a presentation that includes initial research, sketches, ideations, and final work to drive home the message and importance of the green box to the environment and the benefits it can bring to the users.