Capstone Proposal

[Work In Progress…]

Project Title: Green Box

I will implement a user-friendly, adaptable, and universal green box that contains the beginning tools and information, for which people of this product can become more sustainable and environmentally conscious. The appeal of the green box would be that it offers people who want to become more eco-friendly and green, but perhaps cannot due to reasons, such as space, time, lack of knowledge about how to get started, etc… a way to do so that considers these issues. The green box can be a possible way to incorporate this type of lifestyle into the homes and lands of numerous people, aiding to save the planet, and in hopes this becomes a normal and integral part of the way of life. 

The rationale behind this project is to change the ever-growing issues brought about through climate change brought about by human intervention, which is laying waste to ecosystems, resources, and lands. One of my goals is to address those prevalent concerns regarding the environment and our massive carbon footprint currently harming the planet, and bring about a change, providing stability and balance back into the environment. With this project, I hope to dedicate time and research into new methods and materials that are sustainable, eco-friendly, and help individuals reduce their carbon footprint. In addition to, conducting interviews with organizations around the Chicago land area that work in improving the environment in sustainable and eco-friendly ways.

The green box product will include a user-friendly guide that clearly defines the terms and concepts associated with sustainability and eco-friendliness. Additionally, it will have adaptive and easy to use items, equipment, methods, and practices that promote a sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. The aim of this project is to make impact and change in urban environments, like Chicago, making use of small spaces where sustainable and environmentally conscious practices can be implemented. 

This project has the potential to lead to another subject I find interest in: green living spaces that rely on recycled, sustainable, and eco-friendly methods and materials. By investigating methods and materials implemented by eco-designers and new forms of architecture, I will sketch up a plan of these green spaces to incorporate. In this way, the green box will promote not only a new style of living, but encourage users to protect the environment from pollutants, and follow a style of living that will evolve and grow in popularity.

The finalization of this project would be proposing this new idea of lifestyle that is achievable, allowing the occupants to be self-sufficient whilst being environmentally harmonious with the surrounding environment; in doing so, occupants will cut down their carbon footprint. The green box and these types of spaces can be adapted for multipurpose living, such as living with a family, a significant other, and/or living solely by oneself, as these tools and methods will incorporate ideas seen and implemented in various tiny homes. The selling point of these green boxes is that they’re affordable, self-sufficient, green, and are designed with different users in mind. The end result of this project would not only be suggesting this as a new form of living, but to implement these concepts emphasized by the green boxes and spaces in low-income neighborhoods, in social programs for homelessness, or impoverished areas in other countries. The possibilities of this type of living and construction form are endless, promoting people to live healthier lives and to have a cleaner planet to thrive on. The green boxes and living spaces are always a work in progress, as technological advances or the employment of new materials may improve the functioning of these given time. However, the green box would serve as the precursor to a new way and style of living that has not yet been proposed as an attainable idea for the masses.
